Zane Grey Plein Air at the garden

JOIN US for an early summer morning to sketch or paint at The Cutting Garden in Youngsville, NY. Enjoy a few hours spent in a cultivated cutting garden during midsummer’s bounty of blooms. Before heading home, you’ll have the option to pick a “Bouquet-to-Go” from the garden.

DATESMonday, August 14, and Monday, August 21, 10 AM to 12:30 PM EDT

GENERAL ADMISSION: $10, 2.5 hours (uninstructed), or

WORKSHOP$20 (2 hours) 10:30 – 12:30
“Outdoor Still Life” in the “Russian Impressionist Tradition
Will assemble various items –, flowers, fruits, the platter on a table
If you have any items for sale to contribute we’ll announce otherwise I’ll come with props

LEARN THE BASICS of plein air sketching/painting, from composition selection to materials set up and handling working in pastels, watercolor, or oil. Bring your supplies and we’ll help you get on your way . . .

ABOUT BOUQUET-TO-GO:  Pick a bouquet for your home or perhaps a still life.  Purchase price based on a number of blooms, payable to The Cutting Garden.

For more information, contact: Karen Meneghin or visit our website:

Karen Meneghin, the founder of Zane Grey Plein Air, teaches live/online workshops and is a member of AIS (American Society of Impressionists), Lyme Art Association, and Art Students League with recent work shown at Bryan Memorial Gallery in VT and Lyme Art Association and Catherine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club.